We met at Haifa, during a rainy day, so it was an experience already.
Here are the interesting things we talked about today.
Augmented Decade
I have talked about my last decade with augmented reality technology and what can be done with it. I have showed the ToyZ game, the HomeDecoration app, legendary AR step by step Instructions, and also last year’s VRoom Shooter using project Alloy.
These projects show how the technology evolved from a marker based tracking, into a scene reconstruction, and eventually into scene understanding. In the last project, we were able to understand specific objects and replace them with other virtual elements in a similar size. This way, the player was able to get a physical feedback from the object when they lean on a virtual one in the game.
In our conversation we went through ideas like the WorkLink, that combines the worker with help from an expert, and also how robots could guard our neighborhoods, by better understanding the world around us.
I have also shared how 3D cameras are different from the 2D ones in the way they work, and how this would influence the newer generation of technology, coming to us by Intel, Magic Leap, Microsoft, Meta and others in that space. This is an article I wrote that might help people understand more about these differences, if you are interested. And here are all the slides from my talk.
Reddit PLACE
Didi Nishlis shared the story of the empty canvas opened last April fool’s day (of 2017). His takeaway was optimistic. When many people are needed to convey a message, the good shall prevail the evil.
if you don’t know the PLACE project, then basically its a Collaborative empty canvas, opened for creative work for an unknown period (it closed after 3 days). Each user places a dot (a pixel of color) on the canvas.
Uncanny Valley and Hyper Reality
Michael Shalyt reminded the uncanny valley and Matsuda’s hyper reality video, but also the Player One Ready movie trailer, which sums up why I don’t really like virtual reality that much...
Anyway, was nice to see the AR Haifa community again, and hope to catch up next time!